Produkty dla planowanie biznesu (2)

Plan zrównoważonego rozwoju

Plan zrównoważonego rozwoju

Nio Cocktails is an Italian startup born from a simple idea: to bring ready-to-enjoy cocktails home to delight your evenings. No worries, no stress: just a bit of ice. Starting from this simple idea, NIO Cocktails has been able to create a new dimension of cocktails, no longer exclusively served at the bar but easily made and enjoyed at home. With the aim of drafting a plan for the sustainable development of the company, Nio Cocktails reached out to HENRY & CO. to guide them on a path of growth and awareness towards sustainability. The HENRY & CO. team visited the facilities, engaged with key figures, and outlined a shared path through Circular Design Thinking. The result of this work materialized in two documents: a sustainability plan, which outlines pillars, themes, targets, benefits, and timelines for the promoted sustainability activities, and a summary manifesto.
ROZWÓJ KOMUNIKACJI - public relations - świadomość marki - planowanie komunikacji

ROZWÓJ KOMUNIKACJI - public relations - świadomość marki - planowanie komunikacji

Area focused on identifying ways and develop the message that allows the company to achieve the goals of Brand Awareness and Brand Reputation. The design services are driven to obtain specific results of marketing aiming to consolidate over time the image that best meets the needs of the client’s market.